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School Workshops

An inspiring series of school workshops

1 hLocation 1

Service Description

1. Confidence Toolkit: This is currently aimed at year 5 or 6 children and explores what an inner voice is and how it may become your inner cheerleader. Helen will explore the power of body language, posture, being thankful for the small things and daily boosters. 2. Small feelings and big feelings: This is an introductory workshop that aims to open a dialogue up about mental health with children. Some of the resources are provided by the Anna Freud Centre (produced by psychologists) and there's a range of resources suitable for key stage 1 & 2 with tailored materials for years 5/6. There are also leaflets aimed at parents. All these can be modified as you see fit for your school / institute. 3. Test pressure and how to deal with it: Tests are part of school life and SATS are just the start of this pressure! This session explains the body's stress response and how that may lead to physical signs of being nervous as well as negative thinking. We explore practical ways the children can handle the stress response physically and psychologically. 4. Secondary school Toolkit: This session looks at test pressure (as above) and then explores the brain's amazing functionality. We then learn about and practise mind mapping as one of the most effective memory aids for effective exam preparation. We briefly touch on inner voice in this session too and the changes to expect when going on to high school. 5. The Facts & Myths about the Human Brain: This workshop maps to the PHSE year 5&6 curriculum topic of the human brain and the aging of this amazing organ. It’s an interactive workshop which involves looking at 3D images of the brain on devices. 6. Harness Your Academic Excellence: These workshops can be tailored to any exam based programme (GCSE’s A Levels, Leaving Certificate, International Baccalaureate, etc). themes include using your memory to its optimum, how to know what the examiner wants & give it to them, Enhancing critical thinking skills, Effective evaluation & analytical skillset, Academic Pressure & your mental health, exam anxiety. Please note: All workshops are available as an intense stand alone 3 hour workshop or as a series of smaller workshops with the facilitation of more interactive activities. Workshop fees are calculated based on what you request and delegate numbers.

Contact Details

  • Chichester, UK

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