Ready to create a life you thrive in? Want to be satisfied and feel successful aligned with your values?
GAIN CLarity & confidence
I'm a psychologist who will champion you to overcome
psychological barriers & make meaningful change that matters to you
Photograph kindly provided by Aidan Stewart Photography
My story
As a chartered coaching psychologist, I have worked with many clients, all of ages and for a wide range of reasons. Many of my clients have described me as their cheerleader, which I believe it describes the essence of what I do and the beauty of coaching. I enable my clients to connect to their true self whilst giving them the tools and encouragement to achieve any goal they set for themselves. Gaining more self acceptance and self belief is a must at any age and I know this first hand. As a teenager, I worried A LOT and lacked confidence but luckily I had someone who gave me a compassionate space where I grew into myself and who I wanted to be. I want everybody to have this experience and to become their true self.
My coaching aligns with my passions; connecting people to their authentic selves through purposeful conversations and growing self compassion. One core theme of my work is supporting students to achieve their academic potential and assessment success. Other core areas of my work are mental heath and emotional well-being coaching, navigating life transitions while thriving. I've faced change at many times in my life and these times of transition have enabled me to grow deeply into who I am. I now make this happen for my clients. They shift psychological blocks and move forward in their lives, gaining curiosity and excitement for their living.
My career has been varied: consultancy work, teaching, management before launching my private practice. I work as a University Lecturer and make sure that my coaching is led by evidence and current research ensuring that I offer high quality coaching to everyone who works with me.

& pricing